Who's the Cheater? Vicki Belo or Hayden Kho?

Vicki Belo or Hayden Kho? Who Cheated First?

How to Figure Out If Your Boyfriend or Husband Is Cheating on You courtesy of EHow.com

Do you suspect that your spouse or loved one is cheating on you? Here are a bunch of different ways you can figure it out. Related Searches: Difficulty: Moderately Easy Instructions Things You'll Need Observation skills

1 Change In Phone Behavior. Pay Attention If There Is A Change In Telephone Behavior. Have they started turning their cell phones off in your presence when they haven't in the past? Do they leave the room or go outside to have a conversation? Do you receive a lot of hang ups at home? Do you ever hear them whisper and/or hang up as soon as you walk in the room? Do they speak hesitantly or unusually during a call? Do they give strange short one or two word answers when you are in hearing range? Have you noticed unfamiliar numbers on your phone bill? Have you noticed longer than usual conversations on your home phone bill or their cell phone bill? Have they suddenly gone paper less with the phone bill and started receiving the phone bill online at the office? Do you have the password to access the phone bill online? Have they changed the password access on their cell phone and not given you the new password? Are they suddenly unavailable or is their phone turned off when you are trying to contact them?

 2 Change in Appearance. Notice If There Is A Change In Their Physical Appearance. Have they suddenly started dressing in new or different kinds of clothes? Have they suddenly started going back to the gym or are trying to lose weight very quickly? Are they wearing cologne or perfume when they normally didn't in the past? Are they dressing sexier than usual, even down to their underwear? Do they get dressed up to run simple errands when they haven't in the past?

 3 More Time Away From Home. Pay Attention If They Are Spending More Time Away From Home. Do they claim they have to work late more often than before? Are they taking more business trips than usual? Are they gone extremely long times when "dashing" out to do an errand? Do they volunteer to run errands more often than they have in the past? Going out more often alone in general? Stating they want/need to spend more times with their friends? Deliberately starting arguments so they can storm out the door? Staying out over night claiming they need some space? Suddenly spending a lot of time with "friends" that you don't know and won't have any kind of contact with?

 4 Buying you Gifts Notice If There Is A Change In Their Overall Behavior. Are they more or less attentive than usual? Bringing home gifts for no reason out of guilt? Suddenly bored with friends, family, or kids? Eating foods they never have before? Are they more sensitive or angry than usual? Starting major arguments over silly matters that never bothered them before? Started blaming you or making you feel bad for things they never have before? Criticizing you more often? Spending excessive time on the internet with the door closed? Switching the screen they are on when you walk in the room? Listening to different types of music? Want sex less than usual? Trying different things with sex that they might have learned somewhere else? Dashing right to the bedroom or bathroom as soon as they walk in the house to change their clothes or clean themselves up? Their kisses are brief and impersonal?

 5 Change in Spending Habits Pay Attention if there has been a change in money matters recently. For example: Are they suddenly hiding the credit card bill or going paperless and paying it online? Signed up for a new credit card that is in their name only? Have less money than usual? Needing more money than usual? Using Ezpass more often or going through tolls that you do not recognize? Have you found any receipts for purchases that you can't account for? Are they purchasing gas more often or in a different place? Bought a new laptop for themselves that you do not have access to?

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